Chocolate Chunk and Nut Chewies

Consider this. What can you add to blend with foods or meal preparations you like that can reduce added sugars while still providing sweetness along with nutritional benefits?  That’s what we answer in this Video. 

In this Episode of In The Kitchen with Chef Jim (Perko) and Dr Mike (Roizen) they borrow a principle and a recipe from the What to Eat When Cookbook: How to make something sweet without sugar and Chocolate Chunk & Nut Chewies (pg 278-79): 

To Make something sweet without sugar and without raising blood we use naturally occurring sugars coupled with fiber—like prunes, figs, blueberries, or raisins. The Raisin Reduction recipe (see below) is a great sugar substitute that adds bulk, flavor, and nutrients, while the increase in blood sugar in the person enjoying that “cookie” is way less than if sugar is used.  

 There are multiple ways to add thickness – for example how much water to blend with the raisins for a raisin reduction to use in place of added sugars. If you want a thinner reduction for a light sauce blend in two parts water to one part raisins and reduce to a thinner consistency. But you may want a thicker reduction to combine with vinegar in a vinaigrette that adheres to the salad ingredients.   We hope you enjoy this video, and the Chewies. 


Naturally Sweet Roasted Beets and Sauteed Beet Greens


Carciofi e Pepe